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Elizabeth 'Mamu' Aldor, circa 1930. My grandmother, the fearless and forever entertaining woman who taught me how to make things. 

'Mamu' Aldor, circa 1930. A forever inspiring artisan and business-woman.



Studio Mamu is named for my grandmother, an artisan and business-woman who taught me to make and create. What started as a series of handmade ceramics crafted and sold in NYC & SF became the seed for an exploration of all the ways in which we can express, based on need, circumstance, and what we wish to honor and express. Courtney Alex Aldor has been on many adventures with her creative pursuits that took her to Montreal, New York, San Francisco’s Bay Area, and Maui, Hawaii - in each location finding a new medium suited to her environment. Her work is delicate, imperfect, and strives for simplicity. She is ever-inspired by her love for expression, for connection to people, places, and things…and of course, for the fun of it. She is perhaps most in her element playing with mud, water, wind, food, ink, heart, spirit, and color :)